Diploma In Property Management

Diploma In Property Management
(R2/341/4/0018)( 05/2027)( MQA/ FA2191)

This Programme will produce graduates who can work as Valuation Executives, Assistant Property Managers and Research. The graduates may also further their studies to a Bachelors of Property Management and Bachelors of Land Administration and Development or any field related to real estate at local or foreign universities.


Admission Requirements

Entry Requirements Description
Pass SPM / SPMV or equivalent and meet Five credits including Bahasa Malaysia and Mathematics. Students who do not have credit in English are required to take the Bahasa Melayu Paper examination in July.
Admission requirements to the three (3) credits with strengthening (to make up 5 credits) Students who have obtained credit in English and Mathematics and one other subject honors, should take Advanced Mathematics subjects Consolidation and Basis of Accounting, or

Students who receive credit in Bahasa Malaysia and pass the honors Mathematics and 1 other subjects, must take subjects strengthening Basic Mathematics and Advanced Mathematics or Basic Accounting, or

Students who get passed in the subjects of English and 1 credit in Mathematics and other subjects honors, should take subjects Strengthening Mathematics and Basic Accounting and need to take Bahasa Melayu Paper examination in July.

Graduate student admission requirements of Polytechnic Certificate / Equivalent: Pass Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) equivalent with credit in Bahasa Melayu / Bahasa Malaysia.

Pass certificate from a Polytechnic / equivalent in Malaysia in respect of the course with at – least get: PGNK 2.00

Passed all core subjects

Who does not have Mathematics subject in SPM but possessed Polytechnic Certificate / equivalent grade C and above in Mathematics (Polytechnic) then do not have to take courses in Mathematics Strengthening Basic only.

If the student get below than C- in Mathematics (Polytechnic), students must take the Mathematics Enhancement Course.

Candidates are required to submit a complete examination of all certificates from the first until the end of semester to UTM. Candidates are also required to submit a copy of the certificate or letter of confirmation graduation. Year of entry and duration of study is subject to credit exemption approved by UTM.
Study Programme Structures
  • Introduction to Real Estate
  • Building Technology
  • Introduction to Law
  • Valuation Mathematics
  • Building Services
  • Principles of Economics
  • Real Estate Law
  • Valuation Methodology
  • Land Information & Land Tenure
  • Building Maintenance
  • Investment Valuation
  • Statistic for Real Estate Manager
  • Real Estate Management
  • Communication Skill
  • Urban Planning & Development Control
  • Real Estate Development Law
  • Real Estate Agency and Marketing Practice
  • Applied Valuation
  • Introduction to Land Development
  • Economic in Real Estate
  • Computer Application in Real Estate
  • Statutory Valuation
  • Project Management
  • Introduction to Accounting and Finance

Graduates of the program can work as:

Can work as assistant property managers, valuation executives, probationary real estate agents, and management executives in property development and property market research.

May also continue to further their study in various disciplines related to property such as Bachelor of Property/Estate Management and Bachelor of Land Administration and Development, both local and overseas.